Stupid me

How the fuck can somebody suddenly become our entire centre of attention, despite our awareness of reality? You KNOW it is going nowhere... it is just not meant to be... forget about the creating-your-own-chances and building-your-own-destiny sort of crap, the truth is that it is just not going to happen, no matter how strong you work for it, or how hard you try: SOME THINGS ARE JUST OUT OF OUR CONTROL. But of course! I'm writing about freaking (with all the possible implications and wide interpretations can this adjective add to the noun) love.
My head is full of nonsense, and I don't know why! I constantly doubt, so why do I continue asking and waiting for responses which I in advance know I will not completely accept? There is always an excuse, and I realise at the very moment of listening to it that there are inconsistencies, that you might not be telling the truth, but I keep calm and accept it. Thereafter I regret and I talk to myself (useless) as if I was rehearsing a interview with you, where the answers to my questions would requiere a convincing display of: 1. imagination (lies), 2. cynicism (to confirm my psychotheories about you), 3. regret (yeah... right!).
Love should and must be felt and demonstrated in both sides of the equation, I don't understand another way for it. Yes, you read right, I need, besides than just feel, to understand love. Maybe that's why my head is about to explode... I love you, I feel it... I just don't understand why.


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